Calling all Ghostbuster Cosplayers

Take part in the Ghostbuster Suit Up For Jack Holiday Challenge.

The Winnipeg Ghostbusters have put out a Cosplayer challenge to all other Ghostbuster cosplayers and Ghostbuster groups to Suit Up For Jack this Holiday Season. From Dec 1st to Dec 16th Ghostbusters are asked to participate in a holiday themed global blood donor event in costume. Suit Up, put on the Proton Packs and Ecto Goggles. Bring the P.K.E meters and Ghost Traps.

Every Ghostbuster counts but the city/group with the largest crew will will bragging rights on the SuitUpForJack website until next years event.

Suit Up For Jack is a world wide blood donor campaign inspired by Jack Marlott Clarke who is a cosplayer and with Severe Aplastic Anemia. This disease prevents his body from producing red blood cells so he has been dependant on regular blood transfusions to survive. Jack wanted to inspire others around the world to Suit Up in cosplay to help kids in their own area who need blood due to similar diseases or cancer. Suit Up For Jack has now expanded to 8 countries around the world and is growing. 30% of those who Suit Up For Jack are first time donors which is awesome.

If you or your group would like to participate in this challenge please let us know and we will be happy to give you any details and send you a custom Suit Up For Jack sign with your city on it. Email